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New photos!!

There is all kinds of new photos uploaded now:

Look under the folder "Sailing"

Monday, December 1, 2008

It's the final count down! (for now at least...)

So, this is a sad one but I am still very excited!

For those of you how can't see why lets make this perfectly clear:
Sad part: The trip is over for now and I have to buy way more expensive alcohol.... hehe !

Happy part: I'm going back out in January (just so you know Fredrik.. hehe! ) AND I get to see all of my family and my Norwegian friends! HAPPY :D

To all the amazing people I have meet, who have fed me and given me their sofa, toothpaste or shampoo. You who gave me advice, good times and alcohol. Gave away a clean towel, lent me the washing machine, smiled or added me on facebook, Thank you so much for a wonderful time!

My door is always open in Norway, though you have to hurry if you want to catch me before I go back out :) Please, keep in touch.

Tomorrow I start the journey back to Scandinavia, (next to Norway... hehe!). My flight leaves San Francisco Tuesday 2th 12.30 (pm) and I will arrive in Norway 13.30(1:30 pm).

Hopefully I will make one or two notes on the blog during my stay in Norway but I can't promise anything.

By the way, I would appreciate very much if you just took a minute to leave your name on the blog, it's just really nice for me to have for later. Just make a comment on this supplication with your name, you don't have to write anything if you don't want to!