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There is all kinds of new photos uploaded now:

Look under the folder "Sailing"

Saturday, January 31, 2009

It' a slow start for everything this year...

So, as I have already told you I'm in Switzerland, or actually WAS is more correct! Yesterday evening about 10PM ish I hopped on the train to Italy. Walking up in Fiorenze is not to bad I guess <:D Today I'm exploring the city. I had a date with David just a couple of hours ago, he's not a shy guy! What more? Piazza del Duomo(pretty church at least from the outside), Ponte Vecchio(special bridge), Marcato Centrale(amazing food marked). I have seen some other stuff as well when I decided to walk around without map but since I got lost I don't know the names :) Hehe!

I have a thousand nice things to tell all of you about Switzerland as well but that is not going to happen now.

Oh! Important travel information: I'm going to a town called Perugia, between Florence and Rome where I plan to stay for a hole month. Why? I'm attending a language course studying Italian:) Si, Si!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Better late than never !?

I wanted to find time to start writing again before departure but that never happened :) Instead I'm telling you now that me and my backpack and sexy ass Acer computer is now cruising around in Europe, final destination is Perugia, Italy, 1th of February. There I'm attending a one month language course to try and pick up some basic knowledge... Time will show :) This is as far as my plan goes for now but at some point I will write about further plans!

So! Now I'm in Switzerland for 3-4 days. I have a friend here called Renato, for those of you that remember this is the guy I meet in Monterey and went to the aquarium with :) Today we got up really early to do some sightseeing, first Zurich then Bern. I'm only giving you two words here efficiency and systematic :) After a loooong day of sights I'm now stuffed, on the coach,from fondue and pineapple.

Lets not get ahead of our self here and give to much information away:) That's why I'm stopping now and saving some for another time...