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There is all kinds of new photos uploaded now:

Look under the folder "Sailing"

Friday, February 13, 2009


Over and over again we have had problems with our washing machine. At first,when we arrived to the apartment, there was no door. After a while this was fixed. But then we busted the door... So we had to wait for this to be fixed. Yesterday evening finally this problem was solved as well so we had a big washing party:) I have now just clean nice smelling clothes!

Everyday I have class at 8am, which is kind of early for a backpacker like me:) Today I was especially tired and it was hard to get out of bed, but I did! I walked out the front door to discover it had been snowing through out the night! Che?? Okey, it's not anything near to Lillehammer, just a shell of snow, still I was quite surprised! (I have a photo on my camera that I will upload when I get a chance).

For those of you who have read the last comment from my sweet Ole, yes I'm planning to learn the guitar :) I have decided not to buy one i Perugia because where I'm going next they have one! Where am I going next you might ask. Well, it a farm down from Rome that I found on Helpx -

That's all for now ragazzi!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


What have happend i Perugia lately? Hmm.. I have got some self-confidence back after the bad "non ho capito" moment! To my friends who was a bit worried after reading about that, I back on track and doing fine ;) I have joined the local gym and that was at first a rather odd and funny experience. "The stereotype Italian": The girl looks very pretty in her make-up, nice thigh work out cloths and almost never sweat. She runs on the machines and join classes but not so much else. The boys are there in there tight t-shirts as well and hopefully a baggy pair on pants... I'm saying hopefully because that is not always the case. Some boys show up in some short boxer - which is kind of scary. The boys are there to work out of course but more importantly to look at the beautiful girls when there is a class going on. I can't help but smile, and I would recommend to anyone to go to a gym here if you ever have the time :) hehe!

I have the last two days been hanging out a lot at this place called La Tana Dell Orso to try and learn how to spin music. After a late Saturday I decided that I wanted to learn and asked the DJ to teach me. Yesterday he showed me the basic and today I have been practicing. Don't get your hopes up people but this is fun :)

My Italian is going cosi-cosi and hopefully improving... Now I have to move on to my homework.

Ps. I like the debate thing that goes on, on comments, here every once in a while:) Welcome to my blog Daniele, I'm stopping by tomorrow :)