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New photos!!

There is all kinds of new photos uploaded now:

Look under the folder "Sailing"

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Still blogging :D

Malaga is really nice! I'm still staying in this hostel, longest I have ever stayed in one place i think... Anyways! Yesterday this girls from Poland had her birthday and so we had a small celebration. We (me and a room mate) decided to make a cake, which turned out to be a huge success. She was very grateful and happy and that really made my day! This is pictures from the celebration.

The hostel is well organised and such a nice staff, there is a free breakfast and every night dinner for 5 euros. Yesterday it was rice with seafood, tasted great. The day
before the polish girl made a traditional polish dish called "Bigos" made for cabbage, mushroom, carrot and two types of meat. I was also asked if I wanted to make something but turned it down kindly :) What to make from Norway that people would like? And also a dish where I could actually find all the ingredients.. And to a reasonable price. Well, I decided that this was to much work and so I have to save this project for another time.

Yesterday, me and my room mate Mark went with his rented car to Marbella. In my rough guide it is described as Costa Del Sole's most stylish resort, expensive and occupied by Italian and Russian mafia bosses. I find the mafia part intriguing, the rest not so much. It's is a typical place I tend to avoid, full of tacky tourists. Sadly but painfully true the Norwegian people contribute to this quite strong as well and so it makes me just want to get out of there as fast as possible. After a some hours we returned back to reality and Malaga.

Today, I had another go for the beach, but it is a bit to cold still, no tan made but of course a lot of freckles :) To night we are going flamenco hunting and then somewhere to dance salsa so this should be a good night. Maybe pictures will appear here, maybe not :D

So, tomorrow I will go sailing for the week and so there will be no update on the blog, but I will update when I return to mainland! I will take a bus from Malaga to the border tomorrow and then walk across to Gibraltar. I am very excited about the whole experience and what tomorrow will bring :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Arriving Malaga! It's not as warm as I maybe had expected - but don't get me wrong, it's not cold either! I arrived at the airport and quickly discovered that I don't think people down here are so friendly. Lets not jump to any conclusion yet but this is my first impression at least. My Italian don't do me much good here and I'm back to nothing when it comes to communication. I can see that it is similar to Italian but I can't say anything... This sucks!

I think I spent almost an hour trying to find out how to get to the train I read about in my book.. A bad explanation combined with bad markings had me walking around for some time.. I find my way into town and find my self a bus going my way towards the hostel. I'm now checked in at Picassos Corner Backpacker hostel for a reasonable price of 18 euro. That's cheaper than Roma, that's for sure!

I spent the afternoon walking around trying to get a feeling of the town. I guess you can say that I did, but I have not got it under my skin yet, like I usually do. Now I will check the weather forecast and decide what to to tomorrow. I will stay by the sea anywhere between here and Gibraltar, where the sun shines the most! This is photos from today :D

1. This is a tree I found. Strange and really cool.
2. Half a house.. Where is the the other part...?
3. Outside stage down by the sea side.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New country!!

Tomorrow I have a flight at 8.15, destination Malaga, Spain! Why you say? Well! On Sunday I'm attending a sailing course for a week. Very excited about this :D It's in Gibraltar and there are cheap tickets for Malaga so here I go. I will either stay here for some days and then take a day bus down or move slowly against the target using the days to see the coast. I hope to have Internet and tell you guys as it happens :)

I am very aware of the fact that I have been rubbish at updating my bolg lately but there has not been much to tell. The only thing of importance is that I was not in the earthquake area when all of that happend, I was travelling in Toscana with my beloved brother and his girlfriend. We had a really good week driving around, covering the area from Rome to Bolognia, eating good food, some sightseeing and we even built a sandcastle!