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Thursday, April 2, 2009

The farm

Moving around quickly here... Now I'm back in Rome..

I left sunny Napoli for rainy Rome, not my smartest move.. But anyways. I have to say I did not expect to like Napoli as much as I did. Before going I had several people warning be and even saying I should not go. I am very happy that I did not follow that advice because I would have missed out on what has been included on my top ten list over cites I like. Napoli is indeed a bit dirty and all of that, but this is what makes it so cool. I spent most of my time just walking around, looking at life and people and taking pictures of graffiti. They don't have this waste problem anymore, the mafia did not kidnap me, so all in all a good couple of days! I found this amazing sweet called Baba, very simple. Sugar bread soaked in rum!! Don't miss out if you are there.

To night my favorite, my brother, is arriving with his girlfriend. We are traveling around together for a week-ish, looking forward to this :) Rome is shining today and I'm planning on doing some sightseeing! Have a nice day people!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ciao ragazzi!

Hmm... The Internet on the farm, well, how to put this, it sucks! Therefor I have not had a change to tell anybody that I left the farm. Three weeks are over and I have had a wonderful time but it is time to move on. I hope to return one day when the fruit trees are in season and the temperature have raised a bit. I took with me the Austrian girl, Anna (the girls who never left) and went to Napoli. I'm in Napoli and it is very exciting!! Here I will stay for two nights before heading back up to Rome. I stay at a hostel called 6 rooms ( and it is a really good place. Small and very sociable, a nice common room and kitchen as well, definitely a place I recommend.

So, today we left the farm at 6 o'clock to catch the train for Napoli. We arrived here at 10 and left our luggage at the hostel. Then we went to Pompei. Jepp, that is right, now I have been there. I think that is very cool :) I did not have any idea of what to expect form this place and so the 3 hours I spent there I was very excited... but also different from what I thought a lava city would look like... Which btw is not really a lava city... But burried by ashes! My new knowledge for the day :)
