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Sunday, October 26, 2008

It always rains in London!

The last time I was here, on my 15th birthday, it rained and today its raining and apparently and according to the weather forecast it's the same tomorrow. I'll survive!

This has been a long day trudging around London. First I went to Camden marked which is a huge area with loads of shops and stands a bit out of centre. As a result of that event I ended up with a new hat and two t-shirts, so now I got
even less space in my backpack. If that is possible...

Afterwards I went to The Science Museum, which I had high expectations to, but sadly they did not redeem. I think the combination of not actually reading enough and way too many kids because of half term vacation made a strong contribution.
A short walk and a drink later I explored The Natural Museum of History and saw dinosaurs.

I also managed to see the opening of Tower bridge during the night which was quite cool.

This has been a long day and I'm off to Night!


Anonymous said...

It's raining men! Hallelujah, it's raining men!


Ånei, det regner på ordentlig? Så kjedelig... Men bra at du får foretatt noen innendørsaktiviteter, da - selv om muséene ikke levde helt opp til forventningene. JEG synes Victoria & Albert Museum (ofte bare kalt V&A) bør besøkes, om regnet fortsetter... Eller hva med Dungeon of London?

Stor klem!

Arnesen Nyhus Family said...

Det er en tidelig klar høstmorgen i Lillehammer ... som bare ble ennå vakrere med en ny blogg fra deg! Skal hilse fra pusen!