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Saturday, October 18, 2008

This week

From sun rise to sun set,literally ,we moved cattle. Luckily I also got to drive tractor a lot :) It was a looong day with a lot of work so the whole house was in bed by 10 pm which is quite unusual here.. Hehe :) The country estate were we - that's me and Michael by the way - move cattle is HUGE! House after house is empty and in the master house they only use 1/4 of the rooms. The potential of the estate is enormous and yet it is wasted, it's really frustrating to see. It use to be a theatre school, and if it still was, more people could enjoy the place. Hu! Again, what a waste. The lady that owns it can't really walk and so she is relying on people to be good hearted and help her all the time.

Wow! I got to sleep until 8! Me and Fiona fixed the fences around the field by the house to start taking the pointers in. A pointer is a horse that do point-to-point racing. We also worked with a horse called Jazz. Jazz is in the middle of being broken in and today was his first time with a bit. Fiona let me have a go with trying to lunging with 2 rains, which did not go to well. Jazz picked up on me not being trained and this and went all silly..

Me and Fiona went to Howard Castle today, I have been wanting to do that for a while but you need a car to get there so Fiona took me. She hadn't been for nearly 20 years so I don't think she minded at all :) The movie " Brideshead Revisited" was filmed here twice - does this ring a bell to anybody, if so it's probably you Janne!?? Anyways, when we arrived I pulled out my camera to take a picture of the whole thing from a distance and I quickly found out that I was out of battery. So I have no pictures from there sadly. Also I made two apple pies today, and they actually looked like on the picture with the recipe, so that was my first English pie (actually it's called tart, but I don't like the sound of that word so pie it is...)!

In England, and I assume the rest of the UK as well, they don't really like to use kilo and gram and meters and such like we do, don't really know how much things are. Instead we have oz and feet and miles (with is NOT 10km per miles) and stones that I don't know anything about. The cake recipes are often a lot like that as well so it takes a longer time for me to find the right way to do things, but of course I manage :) Right, of to bed now!

Well, today me and Fiona was suppose to go on a hunt, but because of many reasons that did not happen. Hunt here is not on mouse but fox, just as I have seen on TV or in a film. Horses, dogs, men with guns and that chase a petrified fox in front... No need to say more. We might do it next week, I hope. Or do I really? I not sure I want to see those foxes in that situation... But then again, that is nature. Or as we would say it in Norwegian, "Man spiser hverandre og ferdig med det!". The family I live with is heavily involved in the hunt so I guess I just have to go along with the whole concept for now. Hehe :)

To day I saw a dead sheep. Still fresh, probably died yesterday I think. I had to check if it was dead or only half dead. It was Dead. This was when we were gathering all our sheep's to get them out of the field. You see, they have girls and we have boys, so I guess everybody then can see the problem... Flowers... Bees... Anyways!!!

Made two birthday cakes today as well because one of the girls is having her birthday in 6 days. Shes turning seven and there are 25 kids coming, exiting? ehe.. It's going to be absolutely crazy, I don't know if I'll ever recover. Only time will show.

On Friday me and Fiona had a serious shopping day because next Wednesday it's Katrionas birthday, and now the number are 30 kids... It's going to be crazy and noisy, I'm not sure if it's something I'll ever recover from... I went in to York and had a night out with two of the girls from my birthday night.

Today, Saturday, I have done some more looking around York. Still no pictures... I have not decided if I staying to night or going back to the farm, and I haven't decided when to leave the farm..

To be continued..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a super update! I've been wondering how things were in the UK. Hooray for birthday cake baking. I'm with you, I don't understand too much of the recipes, but it usually works out in the end....

Today I've been one week in Italy; 5 days in Roma. So far: me likey! The Norwegian Institute of Rome holds a gorgeous building in one of the original 7 hills. They have a roof terrasse with a SPECTACULAR view over the city. Oh wow. The apartment I live in is very nice, but a bit far from the city centre (think Storo compared to Oslo S). More to come...

Keep the updates coming! I dig reading your blog. And wow - what a great picture in the heading! What a brilliant photographer.... :D