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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving my dear friends and family!

This is as you all know a big thing in the US, so I made sure that I stayed with a family today to get the proper thanksgiving experience. I'm currently located in LA with the Flug-entin family. I meet a young girl around my age (Joanna) in San Luis Obispo. She invited me to come stay with her and her family in Granada Hills, which is in LA. Hopefully she will be coming to visit this winter or summer. ANYWAYS We had a traditional thanksgiving with a 20 pound turkey (see picture). The family and I spent the whole day preparing the food and table. The biggest difference between this food and Norwegian food is that they put so much sweet flavors in the food. Ok so here is

the menu of what we ate:
-organic mixed green salad with tomatoes, goat cheese, pears, and candied walnuts
- organic turkey with homemade gravy
- homemade stuffing
- mashed potatoes (made by Joanna and myself)
- sweet potato casserole with peaches, cashews, and ginger
- warm dinner roles
- homemade cranberry sauce
- homemade lemon cake with glaze
- peppermint cookies

During the dinner there was much discussion. Everyone laughed a lot and shared things they are thankful for.

I am really starting to miss all of you and look forward to coming back to Norway in less than a week (Oh my god). You can all use this week to fight over who will pick me up from the airport. Any volunteers????

I posted new pictures so you all can experience what i have been doing during this American Holiday

(typed by Joanna)


Anonymous said...

That menu sounded yummy. Those peppermint cookies... any recipe there? :D

And what can I say but HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

And though I can't pick you up at the airport, it would be nice to SEE you there... Exactly what day is it? Miss you too, Groowie.

Anonymous said...

Jeg kan godt tenke meg at du lager en thanksgiving-middag - når som helst, hvor som helst, hørtes bare helt perfekt ut! Jeg er i Oslo på jobb tirsdag og onsdag - og dukker opp på Gardemoen ved de tider du lander. Gleder meg.