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New photos!!

There is all kinds of new photos uploaded now:

Look under the folder "Sailing"

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Long time, no see...

Where to start... First:
"I think the next update will be on Thursday, and that goes for all the photos as well." That was not right... Today is the next update.

A short resume of the last days is next goes like this..
On Wednesday I had several failed attempts on the museum department due to big cue and the lack of research, but I got to take a boat trip on the river!

On Thursday I meet my mum and grandmother in London and we had two nights at Hotel Colombia by Hyde Park. I was really great seeing my mum again and we had a good time i London. We went to British Museum and Tate Modern and also to some good restaurants. On Thursday night I took them both to see a famous theatre play called "The Mouse trap". I had a great time and the lady's claim so to BUT they slept through the whole thing... That is very typical them -Fracases!

On Saturday me and my grandmother walked (SLOWLY) on to the plain and began our 11 hours long flight to California.


Anonymous said...

"Slowly" - jeg ser dere for meg!

Anonymous said...

Hihihihihi! (or in English *giggle*giggle*giggle* )

Glad to hear you're alive and sane. Alive, at least... So now you're in the US, just in time for the election (not that I except you went there to vote). Keep us updated, Gorgeous!