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There is all kinds of new photos uploaded now:

Look under the folder "Sailing"

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Road trip

I'm on a road trip with a really nice girl from Italy called Lucis. We decided yesterday to rent a car and drive to Las Vegas. Hehe :) A beautiful bus trip down to Santa Barbara and a okay rental price later and we were on our way.

To night we are staying in a small town called Palmdale at a motel just like in all the films, with I find very funny:D Tomorrow it's of to Death Valley through the desert. We have made a reservation for an other place to stay there which we found in the Lonely Planet guide. Now its way to late here and we have to get up early so this is a short one.


Anonymous said...

VEGAS, baby!

You know you have to take tons of photos and share it all?

Anonymous said...

Takk for oppdatering - du er flink til å finne på mye skummelt! Pass på dere, ellers møter jeg dere i Las Vegas!

maja said...

LAS VEGAS - HERLIG!!! Bare enarma banditter og spillebuler, så pass på pengene dine - men når dere først er der må dere ta turen til Grand Canyon, og så skal vi utveksle bilder fra da jeg var der (i 1979) og når du har vært der. Kos deg!
Klem fra Maja

Anonymous said...

What the deuce, you got a blog??!!!
I did'nt know..

I acctually thought that you were staying in Scotland all the time. So it's kind of a shock to see that you're over in the states!
Looks like your doing damn fine over there. And I'll definitly keep an eye on your blog, even if it's only a couple of days till you return to old, cold, majestic Norway.

Im doing fine as well, Heaps of schoolwork to doo, but I love it.

I just sealed the deal on a kingsize appartment in Sunne "centrum", because my cottage in the woods had a mouse infestation. (havent been able to sleep for the last couple of weeks because the mice crawls around in the walls and makes noise all night long) Those cheeky bastards even ate all loose cables that are connected to my tv, stereo, microwave and such. Even my laptop got attacked and is no longer working!

I'll be moving in after christmas, so im really looking forward to that.

Right now I'm in Norway for the weekend. Great to be back home, allthough I gotta edmit that Lillehammer ain't the same without you! :*)

Also bought a swedish car, so when christmas arrives, we'll be able to take some snowboardtrips and such!

Looking forward to seeing you again, and really looking forward to hear about all the great experiences you've had the last 5 months!

Enjoy the rest of your stay, and keep in mind:

When the going gets tough, the tought keeps going!

Hugs from Fredrik!

Anonymous said...

Vil bare tipse om at Vegas er blitt en av USA sine teater-hovedsteder, med noen av de mest spektakulære produksjonene man kan se på en scene. Helt seriøst, ikke glossy og tacky showgirls-show, men rett og slett feite produksjoner som nesten konkurrerer med filmer. Masse musikaler, selvfølgelig (Phantom, NATURLIGVIS), men også "Cirque de Soleil" og andre ting i den gaten.

Håper dere får padlet i gondol i "Venezia", og får sett fonteneshowet ved et av hotellene!


Anonymous said...


Ser ut til at du har det ganske så greit der borte, hehe ;) hører at du er i Las Vegas i dag (?) ! *wish i were there* hehe.. Du får legge ut et bilde av et av kasinoene der for min skyld :D

Klem fra Stephan :)