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New photos!!

There is all kinds of new photos uploaded now:

Look under the folder "Sailing"

Friday, November 14, 2008


Today I went bicycling in San Francisco with Italy and Israel! I've been in Golden Gate Park and also crossed the Golden Gate Bridge one more time. BUT more importantly I've been to Almono square which is where "Under samme tak" or "Full house" takes place. For the ones who don't know this program it's not easy to understand the excitement but in Norway it was on TV every day after school when I grew up, and everyday I watched it:)

I have posted some more photos as well. Alva: There is one and a film just for you there!


Anonymous said...

Vi er kravstore og venter på ny oppdatering! Tor er tilbake i hjemlandet og katta har fått tunfisk til frokost!

Anonymous said...

Italy?? Israel?? You need to update me. Sorry that I haven't been able to catch your phone calls. I miss you, groooowie.