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Look under the folder "Sailing"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

On the road again

Just could not wait to get on the road again!

Well, actually I did not move very far today, just in to San Francisco and a hostel called Adelaide Hostel. The reason why I haven't updated in a while is because I have been at my aunts house for over a week. And it's not like anything didn't happen because I did something almost every day I just didn't make the effort to put it on the blog : ) Anyways! From now on I back in bizznizz.

First, highlights from the last week (some pictures posted)!
- I cut my hair! Not my self as my mum first assumed, but I went to a proper hair dresser! I look so nice now!
- I went down to Santa Cruz with parts of my family and wee saw one of the big redwood forests a well. They are huge and really cool.
- I went to a amusement park called six flags, Discovery kingdom. Best word for this day is roller coasters!!!! AND also I did something I have never done before, it was like a BIG swing where you get pulled up and back and it was hysterically fun!! Of course my camera did not have any batteries and so I cant really show you, but its maybe for the best since I screamed SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT really loud:)
- I almost saw I horse die the other day when I was visiting a horse ranch. It was really, really old and had a coronary. I went before the whole thing was over...
- I have done a great deal walking in Berkeley, and seen the famous Telegraph street, where there was a lot of student insurgence in the olden days.
- Been to Golden Gate Bridge, but I guess you found that out all by your self:)

So now I'm in San Francisco and my plan is to travel down the coast tomorrow or something like that. I have a American phone 1415 323 8265, for anybody that wish to contact me.

to be continued within the week :)


Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you, Gorgeous!

I love the tree photos. Those are some big trees allright! I can't believe all the places you've seen so far. Thanks for letting us "follow you" online.

Have you takes the San Fran tram yet? It looks so... steep! Or, not the tram, but the roads... Must be a cool experience.

Glad you got to visit the Six Flags park! That's the one Kirsten recommended for us if we were ever in the US. Too bad our camera died...


Anonymous said...

Maja og undertegnede har registrert oppdatert blogg, og er forsåvidt fornøyd med det men ut. savner fortsatt oppdatert adresse! Er Israel og Italia så pene at de kan godkjennes av oss???!!!
Kan ellers informere om at katta har fått dobbel porsjon tunfisk for å overleve til i morgen kveld. Maja sine katter Piva og Polo lever et katteliv på Tiriltoppen med katteluke og salt på børstene for å komme seg ut og inn når det fryser om natten. Koz og klemz fra Maja og HMN

Anonymous said...

Janne savner kusina si.... Janne savner kusina si... ja!

Kan forøvrig meddele at jeg har fått barn, og at det var derfor jeg var i Italia. Det tror ihvertfall mange i Arendal. For noen dager siden var det en notis i Agderposten som annonserte at Janne Arnesen og Achmed-et-eller-annet hadde fått en liten datter. Etter det har jeg fått spørsmålstegn og gratulasjoner på telefonen...