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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yesterday was a good day!

Right next to the house where I'm staying there is a small lake. In this lake we recently found out that there are turtles! Yesterday we went to have a look and they were swimming around in that lake! Small and black water turtles about the size of a A5 paper or a bit less. Cute little bastards! (I think Tingeling would like this as a vacation place Alva;)

Afterward me and Alex went to a town called Ronda, which is 45 minutes from Marbella up in the mountains. This town has a bull fight museum that claims that THIS is where it all started, the only problem is that this is actually what Seville is saying too ..... I think there is a bit of a conflict between the two cites about this, but really I don't care because I don't even like this sport. Anyways, the other thing this town is famous for is a huge bridge that connects the two parts of the city. The city is located on both sides of a huge and steep valley and so it was amazing to see how they have manages to build a bridge like that. Almost impossible! This is the touristic website for anyone who is interested in having a look:

In the evening Alex took me to a traditional, almost a bit secret, Spanish restaurant to eat proper Spanish food. Here I tasted ox tail for the first time in my life. The only thing I could say to justify it's reputation is I hope is not my last time. It was very very good! I also had what I up until this point in my life can say is the best lamb I have tasted. Lamb shoulder cooked for something like 5 hours and god know what, amazing! For sure the best meal I have had in a while:)

A lot of bad English on this one but I'm speaking Norwegian frequently and it's confusing me :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Life in Marbella

I'm enjoying lazy days on the south coast of Spain, that's for sure! A good lunch here, a couple of hours on the beach there, maybe a afternoon nap even:) Yesterday I tried golf for the first time in my life! Petrified I entered the field (or what ever it is called) where people stand in line and practice their shots. I quickly realized that I was the only girl and that made me start freaking out right away. But lets go back a bit first here. I, Gro, know nothing what so ever about golf and therefor had no idea what so ever how this goes down. To be honest I did not expect it to be more than just grab the club and try as best as you can to hit this thing (that being the ball!) For those of you reading this who have some previews understanding on this "game" you have already long time ago understood that I could not be further from the truth. It could not be further from the truth. First of all it should not be called a game but a sport. I was rather exhausted and tired in my back and arms. Secondly I was informed that people spend hours and hours finding to learn how to hold the club right. Thirdly people spend days and days to be able to hit the ball at all some times. Last but not least, people can spend years before they have there first good hit. Ah well! Lets not go further in to that. I decided that this is not something I will be frightened by and my goal for my first half and hour ever playing golf was to hit the ball and make it go strait.

It went like this:
... .#)(/%..---::;_("/&%.......Yes!
- break for 5 min -
...... Jepp! NO?... Okay...........

A couple of good ones and less bad ones then I had expected! The ball went the right way when I managed to hit it and I walked away happy in the end! All in all a good introduction to golf :)

Monday, April 27, 2009


Today I went to Gibraltar to look at the monkeys :) Me and Alex took his car and I got a Gib stamp in my passport as well!! They are absolutely not afraid of anything and they basically own the place. They can go anywhere and they have loads of food - what a life ! There is a saying that goes like this: "as long as the monkeys live on the rock, England will have Gibraltar", so lets see then how long it will be... If you ask me it might be about time for England to give back all the stuff that do not belong to them, but hey, lets not get in to that!

Afterwards we went to Tarifa to look at the beaches there, they are famous and the base for kite-surfers in Spain, maybe even Europe, I don't know ! Anyways! The beach turned out to be one of the most beautiful I have seen in my life. Opening up to the Atlantic, a view to Africa, , basically everything one need. I also saw something most strange!??! Black pigs..... I did not know that existed... Did you??