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New photos!!

There is all kinds of new photos uploaded now:

Look under the folder "Sailing"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

To Peter!

Hører rykter om at du leser bloggen min du også! Stas:) Men jeg ser inegn kommentarer.. Hehe!

Jeg har fått to flotte meldinger av deg og jeg kan love deg at jeg vurderer situasjonen hele tiden! Akkurat slik ting er nå har jeg mere lyst til å seile etter jul enn noe annet. Det er VELDIG lett å ombesteme seg når man er ute å reiser har jeg funnet ut etter hvert:) Jeg har også begynt å lure på om det er italiensk jeg skal lære, eller om det er lurere slik vi snakket om i hjemme i norge å lære spansk...

Time will show :) Cheers

Bye Scotland, nice to meet you!

I've been really poor on updating the blog lately, so my mum and dad has been calling me more than once a day............. So now is time for a "news flash".

Bye bye Scotland! I'm now sitting on the train to York. On the train they have wi-fi, how cool is that!!? Everybody who is not from Norway may be used to this but let me tell you this. That could never ever happen i Norway! Maybe in a few years but then you probably have to pay £10 ish. Yesterday I went to the bus station to by a but ticket to York because I belived that would be cheapest, but no. To take the bud would cost £35 and take about 5 hours, the train on the other hand coasted me £21.50 and take 3 hours ish. Conclusion: Go train!!

My impression of Scotland is good and I want to come back an other time! A list of favourite tings include:
- The kilt
- The bag Pipe
- Castles
- Steak and ale pie
- Accent
I'm excited to see if England will be very different or if I will have a whole other view of the country.

So, what's up next on my time table? I'm going to York to work on a horse farm for a while, the agreement is 2 weeks and if everything runs smoothly with the family and the horses I'm welcome to stay for longer.
I now know that the air plane for USA is on the first on November, so by that time I need to be in London!

Now over to Edinburgh! What a beautiful city! I hope to back soon and have more time an MONEY!! So many beautiful things here! What do my favourite cousins say? Shopping in Edinburgh, all girl Holiday in a year or so?
I went to the castle and the National Scottish museum, and also had a night walk up Holyrood Park. I've displayed photos on Photopucket for you to see!

It's so hard to write in English so the updates will be a bit shorter. Hope everybody will overlook any spelling blunder!!

Please keep living comments and stuff, then it more fun to update to!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hello York!

My train: 0930 from Edinburgh

Updates later

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hello everybody!

Today is a day for celebration! I have been travelling for 4 weeks! I think! anybody how disagree??? Dad? I have seen and experienced so much in this short time but more importantly, meet so many great people!

At the moment I'm in Oban and I'm staying with a girl called Charlotte. Charlotte is a french girl how's living in Oban for some time and she working at the local high school. She was an angel and offered me a place to stay, with company, for the weekend. And I'm having a absolute wonderful time. Today we explored the local area around Oban with is absolutely beautiful. Tomorrow my plan is to end up in Edinburgh but first me and Charlotte are going to Glasgow to do some exploring there as well.

I sad goodbye to my Tobermory friends yesterday, that was no fun. Gemma and Nathalie: I hope I see you again soon and remember, the invitation to Norway is always on! (Look Gemma, I'm writing in English!!)

From Friday to Saturday I slept on the boat, and on Saturday we had people coming on board to explore. It all went fine despite the rain and the fact that I called someones daughter a son... Shit happens ey?!!

The Norwegian cruise ship "FRAM" was in Oban yesterday and since I'm not the shy kind of girl I asked if I could have a look on the ship. A nice Norwegian man showed me around and I asked if he could check the passenger list. for somebody I know. It turned out that I knew someone on the boat!! Wow! I meet up with them andthey showed me even more of the boat before I went back to real life on Silurian.

Next update from Edinburgh i guess!