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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ai Ai Ai!

Where to start!?? The last couple of days has been hard.. I have now reached the very bottom and there is only one way to go, UP (I hope....). My first class was, as you maybe know, on Tuesday (martedi). I arrived on time (of course) but no body was there. After 20 minutes or so the teacher showed up, that's Italy baby :) Okey, good, the teacher was there and I was there and that was it. No other students! Voila! For the next two days I had my own private teacher. Christina (the teacher) don't speak English and Gro (the student) don't speak Italian, so this was rather difficult. I have now for two days only spoken Italian and is more confused then ever... Somehow we made this work and it has ALMOST been fun. Up until today that is! Today, giovedi, has not been good what so ever. When I got to class this morning there was several other students waiting as well, not that that was a problem! The problem was that they all understand a fair share of Italian. One girl had a Italian father and somebody was half Italian. Why the fuck were they doing in a easy course the??? So after an hour without understanding nothing what so ever, I took my low self-esteem and my non excising self-confidence and dragged my lazy ass out of there! I have now changed class level from beginner to VERY beginner, starting tomorrow!

Now I'm sitting at my favourite cafe feeling blue, its raining and its a bit cold... Still I can not help but feeling happy! This place has WiFi and the most amazing view of Perugia and Umbria.

I'm sharing apartment with two girls from Germany and Cyprus. It's not big, nor very pretty but central and warm. It's on the top floor but there is still no view, that's why I go here:) These are photos of the apartment.


scarnuz said...

Dæven, sikker på at allerede Michelangelo bodde i denne hulen...

Skjønner, det hadde gjort hvis pappaen din hadde vært ekte italiener... og ikke bar kokk hos "Italieneren" på Lillehammer...


Anonymous said...

Har nettopp hatt høytlesning fra bloggen din - ollemor på besøk og skal være med på damefestaften for alle damene som hjalp til å vaske ut av Lysgårdsvegen. Godt du greier å ordne deg mht undervisning - stå på krava - ikke dårlig at du hamler opp med italienerne - på lillehammring?? Pass veldig på deg. HMN

Anonymous said...

καληςπέρα gorgeous!

Helt enig med deg, hva gjør folk som allerede kan språket på nybegynnerkurs? Kan jo ta motet fra noen og enhver. Bra du fikk byttet timeplan/kurs, ihvertfall.

Men at du lærer mye, DET er jeg ikke i tvil om. Før du vet ordet av det, kan du bestille så mye ulik mat på restaurant at du kommer rullende hjem til Norge, haha. Nei, seriøst, det å faktisk bo i landet man lærer seg språket på (av? fra? Herregud, nå kan jeg ikke norsk engang...), det hjelper utrolig.

Håper dagen har tatt seg litt opp, og at helgen blir smashings. Store klemmer!

Anonymous said...

Skam og vanære! Jeg brukte feil S i den greske hilsenen. Flaut. Det er selvfølgelig




scarnuz said...

Ναι fantom, αυτό είναι ένα ελληνικό δράμα.


Anonymous said...

Πώ, πώ! Mιλάς Ελληνικά, Σκάρνυς; Mπράβο!

(Mιλώ λίγο... οχι... ΚΑΤΑΛΑΒΑΙΝΟ λίγο Ελληνικά)