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Monday, April 27, 2009


Today I went to Gibraltar to look at the monkeys :) Me and Alex took his car and I got a Gib stamp in my passport as well!! They are absolutely not afraid of anything and they basically own the place. They can go anywhere and they have loads of food - what a life ! There is a saying that goes like this: "as long as the monkeys live on the rock, England will have Gibraltar", so lets see then how long it will be... If you ask me it might be about time for England to give back all the stuff that do not belong to them, but hey, lets not get in to that!

Afterwards we went to Tarifa to look at the beaches there, they are famous and the base for kite-surfers in Spain, maybe even Europe, I don't know ! Anyways! The beach turned out to be one of the most beautiful I have seen in my life. Opening up to the Atlantic, a view to Africa, , basically everything one need. I also saw something most strange!??! Black pigs..... I did not know that existed... Did you??

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