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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yesterday was a good day!

Right next to the house where I'm staying there is a small lake. In this lake we recently found out that there are turtles! Yesterday we went to have a look and they were swimming around in that lake! Small and black water turtles about the size of a A5 paper or a bit less. Cute little bastards! (I think Tingeling would like this as a vacation place Alva;)

Afterward me and Alex went to a town called Ronda, which is 45 minutes from Marbella up in the mountains. This town has a bull fight museum that claims that THIS is where it all started, the only problem is that this is actually what Seville is saying too ..... I think there is a bit of a conflict between the two cites about this, but really I don't care because I don't even like this sport. Anyways, the other thing this town is famous for is a huge bridge that connects the two parts of the city. The city is located on both sides of a huge and steep valley and so it was amazing to see how they have manages to build a bridge like that. Almost impossible! This is the touristic website for anyone who is interested in having a look:

In the evening Alex took me to a traditional, almost a bit secret, Spanish restaurant to eat proper Spanish food. Here I tasted ox tail for the first time in my life. The only thing I could say to justify it's reputation is I hope is not my last time. It was very very good! I also had what I up until this point in my life can say is the best lamb I have tasted. Lamb shoulder cooked for something like 5 hours and god know what, amazing! For sure the best meal I have had in a while:)

A lot of bad English on this one but I'm speaking Norwegian frequently and it's confusing me :)


hmn said...

Skulle gjerne vært på den restauranten og spist lam - i det hele tatt må det har vært en praktfull dag.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh, TWO museums/cities claiming to be the origin of bull fighting? Sounds like a true cat fight (bad pun/joke intended)!

And that restaurant sounds awesome.